Do the Pyramids of Teotihuacan contain liquid mercury?


According to Olga Ruiz Cortes‘ Facebook page, the Pyramids of Teotihuacan contain liquid mercury.

The mystery of the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacan increased in 2015 when the latest discoveries at that archaeological site made by a group of archaeologists brought great surprises that have not been able to be explained and turned the case into an unsolved mystery, more than the place already was.

They discovered liquid mercury under the pyramid of the sun of Teotihuacan, in addition to a room that had a layer of stone, followed by another layer of mica and then another layer of stone.

The liquid mercury was put there by the ancient civilization for some unknown reason, but it was even stranger to find some caves whose walls were filled with pyrite (a golden mineral that shines and is thought to be a conductor of electricity).

In that same space, some golden balls of a strange material were also discovered, whose function and purpose are unknown.
Liquid mercury, mica and golden spheres have been the latest discoveries in Teotihuacan in 2015, but it is shocking that only 10% of the site has been excavated. Archaeologists still have to explore 90% of Teotihuacan and surely when everything has been excavated and investigated, the surprises will be even greater. It is thought that the great mystery of the pyramid is that it functioned (like others, for example, the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt) as a power plant.

Pyramids, an electromagnetic power plant
Due to the Mercury found, it is believed that it was perhaps used for the propulsion of spaceships and time travel. It is important to note that mercury cannot be found pure in its liquid form in nature and it requires chemical knowledge and advanced scientific procedures to obtain it.

How then did ancient civilizations obtain it and for what purpose?

The explosion on the Avenue of the Dead that occurred before the ancient civilization disappeared without explanation is believed it had to do with the energy they were getting from liquid mercury (which we currently use in modern technology).

They were able to create electricity that could have caused the bomb that burned down Teotihuacan shortly before its inhabitants disappeared.

“Exotic technology to create an electromagnetic field, achieving the levitation of flying saucers using liquid mercury as fuel. That is one of several hypotheses of this unsolved mystery”, says Olga Ruiz Cortes.

An electromagnetism chamber with a superconductor maintaining a good temperature for the movement of spaceships, say experts and believers in the theories about ancient aliens.

It is thought that all the pyramids in the world had the same function as electromagnetic power plants that distributed energy underground and connected the pyramids around the world, and in connection with the constellations up above). If all this is true, their technology was evidently much more advanced than ours.

We have not yet been able to decipher the mysteries of the pyramids of Teotihuacan or those of Egypt (Giza). These advanced societies used technology and mathematics, which made the pyramids and their measurements correspond with maps of the solar system. Those who built Teotihuacan had astronomic knowledge of the solar system, something that supposedly the ancient inhabitants could not have.

The secrets of Teotihuacan
Is or was Teotihuacan and its pyramids an ancient space port? The truth is that UFOs are still attracted to the pyramids in Teotihuacan, where many sightings have been recorded.

Perhaps in the near future, with more discoveries in excavations, artifacts can be found that put together the pieces of the puzzle to understand the history and technology they used.

For many believers, extraterrestrials guide us through messages to psychics who actually use the Akashic records to show us the past, present and future as a timeless form, where everything coexists in a lapse that tends to repeat itself; that is, humanity repeats its history over and over again, conquering Mars for example (where there is later a nuclear war) and that script seems to be written right in the Akashic records as a story that keeps repeating itself.

(Hindu tradition maintains that the Akashic records are like an enormous library that keeps the archives of the soul of each human being.)

That is why the existence of extraterrestrials as a guide.

And all of the above is was posted on Olga Ruiz Cortes‘ Facebook page, and the text concludes saying that it is believed that the technology of the pyramids was part of a past history that humans have already lost and will recover, and then the other way around and so on indefinitely, with the human race being an experiment within a continuous loop.

Source: Olga Ruiz Cortes‘ Facebook page

The Mexico City Post