Guadalajara joins the global movement for cleaner air


Earlier this year, city leaders announced implementation plans for Guadalajara’s first low emissions zone, around the historic city center’s busy Ramón Corona intersection, in what is being considered the country’s first such effort to clean the air, improve road safety, and reduce emissions by increasing infrastructure for active travel and regulating the access of polluting vehicles in the 2 square kilometers polygon.

The move is part of Guadalajara’s broader efforts to reduce road injuries and deaths while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combat the climate crisis.

Interim Mayor of Guadalajara Juan Francisco Ramírez Salcido and State Governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez attended the inaugural ceremony alongside other government and civil society leaders. Both the city and the State of Jalisco are committed to improving accessibility and security where a high number of people converge. The Ramón Corona intersection, for example, sees more than 170,000 trips daily by all means of transportation.

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The Guadalajara Post