State Official attacks journalist Perla Aguilar, in Morelos


Perla Aguilar Figueroa, reporter, and journalist for La Voz del Sur, reported an attack by a public official from the municipality of Tlaltizapán, identified as Celeine Díaz Huicochea, when she was trying to document the dismissal of municipal police officers.

The reporter was recording the human resources area since that is where members of the municipal police were allegedly fired.

Perla explained that the police officer who gives access to the town hall also told her that she could not enter or record; However, she argued that it was a public space. She began taking videos with her mobile phone and she directed her focus towards Díaz Huicochea, in charge of the citizen service desk.
Official attacks reporter

The public servant snatched the reporter’s mobile phone and immediately grabbed her hair, while the reporter pulled her dress and stepped on her to demand the return of her work tool.

A reporter from Sol de Cuernavaca, Angelina Albarrán, documented the attack and in the video, it is observed when the reporter activated her panic button, which the State Attorney General’s Office granted her in response to other cases of aggression against her.

The Morelos Police who responded to the alert call arrived at the site, however, they remained waiting. Later they said that they were unable to arrest the public servant because she had hidden in the offices of the municipal palace.

Celeine Díaz was identified as the former director of the municipal Women’s Institute.

The reporter filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office of the Southern Region and a complaint with the Human Rights Commission.

Source: OEM

Morelos Daily Post