50 Books About Mexico For Travelers


Paul Hudson is a former tech recruiter who moved to Guadalajara in 2009 for grad school, he ended up meeting a girl, getting married, and starting a family in Old Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Paul recommends 50 books for you to get acquainted with Mexican culture.

50 Books About Mexico For Travelers & History Buffs

By Paul Hudson

Mexico is a complicated place. Anybody who has taken the Mexico City metro at rush hour can attest to the sheer size and complex diversity of this wonderful country. There are 68 officially recognized indigenous languages, a mestizo majority, and a thriving immigrant community.

There is a lot of living history and reading a book about Mexico will make your travels or residency more meaningful. These books about Mexico have been carefully curated to help you better understand some aspects of Mexican history or culture.

Click here to see the original article By Paul Hudson and “An Overview Of The Best Books About Mexico

Paul Hudson

Source: playasyplazas.com

The Cancun Post