Secretary of Tourism presents sustainable experience of Guanajuato in Turrialba, Costa Rica


The leadership of the State of Guanajuato in implementing actions regarding sustainability is visible in Costa Rica. The II Meeting of Entrepreneurs and New Turrialba Tourism Projects provided a space for Juan José Álvarez Brunel, Secretary of Tourism, to learn about the sustainable experience of the Guanajuato destination.

Last Tuesday, November 7, at Hacienda Sitio Mata Turrialba, a city in Costa Rica, said meeting was held, which is supported by the Municipality of Turrialba, the University of Costa, the State Distance University, the Costa Rican Institute of Rural Development, the Institute Costa Rican Tourism and the National Learning Institute.

This has the objective of generating a space for the exchange of knowledge between tourism entrepreneurs in the area, as well as those who start and undertake this activity, in order to train, generate local networking, and strengthen alliances between entrepreneurs, institutions and other actors.

With the invitation and accompaniment of Ida Herrera R., President of the Turrialba Chamber of Tourism (CATUR); and Luis Fernando León, Mayor of Turrialba; Juan José Álvarez Brunel explained that Guanajuato has led sustainability actions at the national level, a vector for the development of tourism activity itself.

This leadership, he said, “is due to the fact that SECTUR has involved the sector in all public programs and policies on sustainable matters, as is the case of the “Guanajuato Sustainable Tourism Distinctive”, and the Emblem Project – to protect, among society and Government, the natural assets of Guanajuato”, to mention a few.

These actions are carried out through the Sustainability Model, which is implemented by said Secretariat and which is available at,del% 20sector%20tourism%20of%20State.

During the exhibition, the Secretary of Tourism invited the audience to promote, like Guanajuato, a more balanced development so that the permanence of the environment and tourist attributes are guaranteed for the future.

Finally, Álvarez Brunel thanked Ida Herrera R. for inviting Guanajuato to strengthen ties that promote local business growth and destinations.

This event is the largest gathering of tourist activities in Turrialba and surrounding areas; In addition, it is a completely inclusive, free and useful space for the destination in general.

Source: Press Release