From CDMX and Edomex 90% of the tourists who visit Querétaro


Regarding the recovery figures, Signoret Luna pointed out that until September an average occupancy rate of 56% had been recorded.

The president of the Querétaro Association of Hoteliers, Luis Signoret Luna, reported that around 90% of the tourists who come to the state come from Mexico City, the State of Mexico and the surrounding states.

He pointed out that a significant number of tourists are also received from the north of the country, specifically from Monterrey, Nuevo León, since air travel is favored along the routes contemplated at the Querétaro International Airport.

Although international tourists represent a much smaller percentage compared to people from the country who come to Querétaro, the largest number of them come from the United States of America and Canada, according to information from the AQH.

“The main producing states or business generators for Querétaro are Mexico City, State of Mexico, Monterrey, Guadalajara and the surrounding areas of Bajío, they are the main clients.”

Regarding the recovery figures currently contemplated by the sector, Signoret Luna pointed out that until September an average occupancy of 56% had been recorded, which already places the data one percentage point above the figures reported in 2019, prior to the health contingency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The average occupancy expectation for 2023 that the AQH contemplates is 58%, since during the last quarter of the year it is expected that there will be a significant rebound in the tourism that the entity will receive, especially because there is a concentration of visitors that spend the end of year holidays in the state.

Around 60 hotels from national and international chains make up the Querétaro Association of Hoteliers and together they have an availability of 7,500 rooms distributed in the different hotels located in the state, which satisfies 63% of the total demand of rooms reported in Querétaro.

Source: Diario de Queretaro