AMLO’s government gives the Army assignment over the Tulum Airport for an indefinite period


With the Tulum Airport, the Army will have 12 airports under its control.

The Tulum International Airport is expected to open in December 2023.

The Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT) granted an indefinite assignment to the Olmeca-Maya-Mexica Airport, Railway, Auxiliary and Related Services Group to manage, operate and exploit the new Tulum International Airport.

According to the assignment, the government will deliver to the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) more than 1,500 hectares, which include the surface of the airport, so that it becomes part of the military parastatal that controls around 12 air ports.

The document published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) establishes that the assignment will be for an indefinite period until it is considered that the management of the Army lacks public utility.

On the other hand, the tariff rules and other details are also established, such as the presentation of a five-year Master Development Plan, like the one that each of the country’s private airport groups are obliged to propose.

After publication in the DOF, the director of the Military Airport Group, René Trujillo, must designate the airport administrator who will be in charge of the administration of the Tulum airport.

The airport project in the southeast of the country already has some companies confirmed to operate flights from other points in Mexico, such as Viva Aerobus, and foreign airlines, such as Spirit and Delta, which will connect American cities with Tulum.

The objective of the construction of the “Felipe Carrillo Puerto” airport is to prevent travelers arriving in Cancun from traveling by road to the Riviera Maya, which seeks to distribute the offer in two nearby airports, but with different routes.

It should be noted that Sedena has under its command the Airport, Railway, Auxiliary and Related Services Group, Olmeca-Maya-Mexica, which already has 12 air ports under its control:


Nuevo Laredo




Victoria City







Sedena also took control of the fuel supply in the 21 airports it manages; Four of the stations, those of Chetumal, Puebla, Tulum and Palenque, are under construction.

The military presence in the sale of fuel further dilutes the functions of Airports and Airport Services (ASA), a parastatal that had a monopoly on the sale of jet fuel, in addition to managing the airports that now pass into military hands.

Source: El Financiero