They fall in love with Mazatlán! Chihuahua Travel Agents enjoy the City


Tour operators from Chihuahua participate in Fam Trip, in a busy work schedule in which they learned about attractions of the City and the rural area

MAZATLAN. – Over the years Mazatlán has gained a lot of strength as a destination as it has great cuisine, tourist attractions and a renovated rural area.

All of this captivated the 30 travel agents from Chihuahua who made the familiarization trip to Mazatlán in the program called Fam Trip.

The president of the Tres Islas de Mazatlán Hotel Association, José Ramón Manguart Sánchez, pointed out that the Fam Trip had a very tight work schedule for three days, since the idea is to position and consolidate commercial relationships with its commercial affiliates.

“In reality, everyone leaves very happy to learn about all the news that the destination has, but above all the hospitality of the Mazatlecos, they were days of a lot of work, but beneficial for everyone.”

Manguart Sánchez pointed out that they visited points such as the Mazatlán Observatory, where travel operators could enjoy a guided tour with a special view and adore the sunset and the departure of a cruise ship, those in charge of selling the destination were visitors from Chihuahua, delighting in the gastronomies and rural areas.

He indicated that the rural area is an important part of the tourism product in the port, as well as sun and beach, where the agents left happy to live this experience.

During their stay, the travel agents carried out an inspection visit at the Convention Center, with the idea of being able to generate an important synergy in the area of weddings and events, at the same time they were able to enjoy a dinner sample of the gastronomy of the city.

This gives them the tools necessary to promote it more effectively. Familiarization trips are prime examples of the importance of ensuring an exceptional experience to wow guests.

Source: Punto