Operation against fake driver’s licenses in Oaxaca: one arrested 


The State Investigation Agency (AEI) carried out an operation against the falsification of documents in the offices of the Ministry of Mobility of the state government (Semovi), detaining a public servant and secured a computer equipment, confirmed the Oaxaca Attorney General’s Office. 

In the operation, the public servant “AZM” was arrested, who is accused of the crime of falsification of documents, according to the results of intelligence work that allowed the Oaxaca Prosecutor’s Office to establish a line of investigation regarding the issuance of false driver’s licenses, through people who claim to be vehicle managers. 

The operation was carried out this Wednesday the 6th and agents from the Public Ministry, experts in different branches and members of the AEI participated. The target was located inside the Semovi offices, located at 25 Carlos Gracida Street, Ex Hacienda Candiani, where a search was carried out for signs of the probable falsification of documents. 

     In this action, computer equipment and documentation on which expert studies will be carried out were secured, in addition to the arrest of an alleged person involved, all of which will be part of the investigations. 

The Attorney General’s Office of the State of Oaxaca committed to guarantee the investigation of actions contrary to the law that harms society and generates acts of corruption, which is why it will maintain permanent investigative actions to detect and combat these types of crimes. 

For its part, the Ministry of Mobility called on citizens to avoid being a victim of fraud when carrying out vehicle procedures through managers and in offices outside this agency. 

“Modus operandi” 

Both Semovi and the Prosecutor’s Office began a review process for the issuance of alleged false vehicle documents, which would have been processed in management offices, with personnel outside the agency. 

The head of Semovi, Claudina de Gyves, reported that reports were received from users who claimed that when they hired the services of managers, they were “processed” with allegedly false driver’s licenses, but for which they were charged exorbitant amounts of money.  

     He insisted that users must avoid becoming victims of fraud when acquiring driver’s licenses issued outside the agency, which could be apocryphal, and reiterated that all vehicle procedures must be carried out within the Semovi offices, with duly accredited personnel. 

She recalled that this secretariat is the only instance that controls the Licensing System, with unique keys for each public server, which makes it possible to track the information related to its issuance. 

She also said that external management centers are monitored to identify what type of documents they offer and assured that in this six-year administration, security measures for driver’s licenses have been strengthened through a series of digital locks that allow their authenticity to be verified. 

  Source: Proceso