Rains in Mérida turn the streets of the Center into swimming pools 


As predicted, this Sunday Tropical Wave 25 let its force be felt in Mérida with heavy rains that flooded the streets and caused puddles in the city center. 

In what already seems like a custom and that is far from being resolved due to the neglect of the Mérida City Council in the Center and South of Mérida, the streets around the Mercado de San Benito became a real swimming pool. 

This is not to mention that as soon as it rains, the facilities of the supply center are flooded and black water gushes out of the drains that fill the building with pestilence, which is in deplorable conditions due to the abandonment of the municipal authority. 

The images of people who end up taking off their shoes to be able to walk through the flooded streets, in addition to avoiding motorists so as not to get wet, are now commonplace. 

In addition to the fact that there is a risk when walking like this, since the lack of visibility could cause falls or accidents due to an open sewer or electrical installations. 

Not counting the potholes that appear as soon as the first rains fall and that over time become another problem where the most affected are the drivers who have to avoid them to avoid damaging their cars. 

  Source: Por Esto