Convention of Cruise companies will give international projection to Mazatlan 


Municipal and state authorities meet to refine details of the FCCA 2023 meeting, which will be from November 7 to 10 

Mazatlán, Sin.- The Convention of the Florida and Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) 2023, which will take place from November 7 to 10 in Mazatlán, will give a great international projection to this destination, since the visit of 23 major cruise ship companies worldwide is expected. 

Estrella Palacios Domínguez, Secretary of Tourism in the entity, commented that the municipal and state authorities are excited because for three days, executives from the most important shipping companies from around the world will have activities in the port. 

She pointed out that they want Mazatlan to be one of the ideal places for cruise passengers and to become one of the most requested routes for cruise ships. 

     “We are very excited because we are going to have a great international projection. Executives from the most important cruise ship companies in the world are coming and they are going to meet precisely here, as this is an ideal place to continue increasing frequencies and new cruise routes for Sinaloa.” 

She highlighted that something interesting that is happening before the event is that Mazatlán is breaking records in terms of hotel reservations, so they decided to increase the number of people who will participate in the congress, because a lot of interest has been shown. 

Palacios Domínguez added that with the Convention of the Florida and Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) 2023, an economic benefit for Mazatlan of 25 million pesos is expected in addition to the projection. 

Finally, she said that in the meeting that she had with the mayor, some issues were discussed about some details that are missing from the port, the rehabilitation and beautification works in the tourist strip, so that everything is ready for the international meeting that is coming up.  

 Source: Linea Directa