They kidnap the children of the mayoress of Mitontic, Chiapas, to force her to invest 5 million pesos


Presumably the anger of the residents began after the treasurer reported that the requested resource had been stolen in San Cristóbal de Las Casas
Residents of the municipality of Mitontic, Chiapas, detained the children of the municipal president, Maruca Méndez, in order to pressure the local authorities with the release of five million pesos for the execution of public works.

Through a video broadcast on social networks, the dissatisfied call on the municipality that the resource be applied to works that are truly necessary.
In the same video you can see one of the official’s children, a minor, with his face covered and his hands tied. The child was hung in the municipal court next to the treasurer of the City Council, Erasto Velazco Velázquez, the latter retained since last August 9.

Presumably the anger of the residents began after the treasurer reported that the requested resource had been stolen in San Cristóbal de Las Casas when they went to withdraw the cash.

However, the municipal finance manager later declared that the money was in the hands of the Mitontic government.

Due to the above, the municipal president urgently requested the arrival of state and federal authorities to establish responsibilities.

Source: Linea Directa