212 African migrants detained by federal authorities in Sonoyta, Sonora

212 African migrants detained in Sonoyta, Sonora | Photo: Línea Directa

Nogales, Sonora.- A total of 212 migrants from different African countries were seized and four “polleros” or traffickers of minors, three of them teenagers, were detained by federal authorities in Sonoyta, Sonora.

The rescue of this contingent was carried out last Wednesday, July 26th, around 2 in the afternoon and it involves citizens from countries such as Arabia, Mauritania, and Senegal, who sought the “American Dream”.

Members of the armed forces, both from the Mexican Army and the National Guard, as well as from the National Migration Institute, can be observed patrolling the different sectors of the town. And near the place where they located the African immigrants.

As a group, 53 were crammed into a small Bar, and the rest, another 197, were waiting at the Sonoyta Bus Station.

The African migrants were transferred to the facilities of the Multiple Use Center.

According to a police report, federal forces carried out the arrest of 4 “Polleros“, 3 of them teenagers.

Source: Línea Directa

The Sonora Post