AMLO says that the opposition is using a “farce” as strategy to get the people’s sympathy


During his daily morning conference on Monday, July 17th, President López Obrador assured that the opposition “wants to sell us a farce” that Xóchitl Gálvez has humble origins and has managed to excel.

He assured that his government has a policy in favor of the people that the adversaries call populism, but Obrador says that “the opposition parties are very hypocritical and they just want to return to power so they can continue stealing from the people (…) so they looked for someone who was born in a small town and with the appearance of being a people from humble origin”.

In this context, he gave Vicente Fox as an example, who according to him would put an end to “the Tepocatas (snakes)” and corruption, “and although many people believed him and bet “on the PRI-PAN bipartisanship” it was more of the same old stuff”, AMLO continued.

In addition, without directly saying the name of Enrique Peña, he mentioned the story of a “handsome man, that even made a soap opera and now they want to make us believe in a farce that a woman who started selling gelatin has managed to overcome herself.”

AMLO added that there are cases of politicians and businessmen who speak of coming “from below” to justify their ill-gotten wealth.

The president has criticized and demeaned the candidate Xochitl Galvez in every possible way during her mornings in an infamous way.

Many Mexican citizens who previously took their president at his word are now filled with doubts about the way López Obrador speaks so badly of an honest woman.

Source: Excelsior

The Mexico City Post