Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Tips For Safety


The rapid growth of hyperbaric medical facilities in the United States and worldwide has created a need for comprehensive training programs to provide recruits with the skills and knowledge they need to administer safe and effective care. 

A standardized accreditation process is essential to maintain quality control and ensure that all practitioners meet the required standards of competence. 

On this website, www.oxygenark.com, you can find HBOT chambers that adhere to the guidelines and safety measures.

Any breach in the construction process of the chambers raises patient safety concerns, as individuals must be aware of potential accidents and use this information to operate the chamber and equipment safely. 

Although the hyperbaric medical community has a good safety record, reviewing accidents regularly and considering lessons learned from past experiences is important to avoid recurrence. 

Due to the high oxygen content of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, fire safety is important. 

In this article, we shall help you learn some of the major tips to help you stay safe when you sign up for hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Tips For Safety

Given below are some of the most important tips that can ensure safety for the service provider and the patient—

1. Maintaining The Construction Guidelines

In the United States, clinical hyperbaric chambers and systems must follow the standards mentioned below: 

  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Standards. 
  • Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). 

It’s important to follow the hyperbaric oxygen chamber building regulations for a number of reasons:

  • First, it guarantees the security of the employees and patients receiving medical care in these rooms. 
  • Secondly, it also promotes a safe atmosphere for everyone engaged by reducing possible dangers and hazards related to using hyperbaric oxygen chambers.
  • Thirdly, adhering to the building specifications maximizes the chambers’ efficacy and efficiency, enabling the appropriate administration of hyperbaric oxygen treatment and consistent, repeatable outcomes.

2. Take All The Fire Safety Measures

A high-pressure environment presents a serious fire hazard due to the presence of fuel, oxygen, and ignition sources. 

The high oxygen content in the chamber makes rapid evacuation and ventilation difficult. To minimize risk, the chamber is equipped with fire extinguishing systems such as manual fire hoses and flooding systems activated by internal, external, or automatic detection systems.

North America has no fatal fires in patient treatment rooms, ensuring excellent safety. Protocols are in place to reduce fuel, ignition sources, and oxygen levels to minimize fire hazards. 

Combustibles, cosmetics, hairspray, paper, and cloth are prohibited. Flame-retardant materials are used to avoid sources of flames and sparks. 

The lighting is indirect, and patients and staff wear 100% cotton clothing. Oxygen levels are constantly monitored, and measures are taken to prevent overheating. 

Compress the chamber with air, allow the patient to breathe through a closed hood system, and vent the chamber to remove escaping oxygen. 

3. Maintain The Oxygen Levels Inside The Chamber

The efficiency of a hyperbaric oxygen chamber depends on maintaining the oxygen percentage within. 

By subjecting the body to high concentrations of oxygen under elevated atmospheric pressure, hyperbaric oxygen treatment helps the body’s healing mechanisms. 

The creation of new blood vessels and tissue healing is stimulated by this treatment, which supports oxygen transport to tissues and organs. 

Therefore, it is crucial to regulate and monitor the oxygen level during treatment carefully. 

No survival has been discovered in chambers with oxygen levels exceeding 24%. Hence multiple chambers should have an oxygen percentage below 23.5%. 

In conclusion, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has several advantages for tissue healing and blood vessel formation, but it’s crucial to keep the oxygen % under careful control and observation during treatment sessions.

4. Follow The Health Protocol

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not recommended for people with recent ear surgery, injuries, colds, fevers, or certain lung diseases. 

Because increased pressure and oxygen levels in the hyperbaric chamber can exacerbate these diseases. 

People with these conditions must consult a doctor before considering hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 

Pregnant women should be cautious when considering hyperbaric oxygen therapy, as studies on the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on pregnant women are limited. 

Because the potential risks to the developing fetus are not fully understood, the expectant mother must prioritize the safety of herself and her fetus. 

Advice from a medical professional is very important in making an informed decision about hyperbaric oxygen therapy during pregnancy. The most common complication after HBOT is middle ear trauma.

5. It Important To Brief The Patients

Before using a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, medical personnel must provide patients with a detailed explanation of the procedure and any possible dangers. 

This promotes safety and general well-being by ensuring they are aware and ready for therapy. 

Any worries or concerns may be addressed with a thorough grasp of the process, resulting in a more relaxing and successful treatment experience. 

A detailed briefing equips patients to make knowledgeable healthcare decisions and actively engage in their treatment plans. 

This degree of patient education increases their pleasure and helps the patient succeed long-term and achieve better treatment results. 

Thus, healthcare practitioners must prioritize providing patients with accurate and thorough information before their hyperbaric oxygen treatment sessions.

FAQs for Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Treatment

It is new, and not everyone has access to hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Therefore, it is not a surprise that almost everyone is asking about this treatment option. They are even borderline confused about it, and they keep asking questions. Here is an expert giving an answer to a few of them.

1. Is HBOT Safe for Cancer Patients?

Ans. Some studies have shown that HBOT can help to improve the survival rate of cancer patients before chemo (if found at an early stage). However, when it comes to studies guaranteeing these claims, there aren’t. Hrfore, always consult a doctor before going for HBOT treatment as a cancer patient.

Some of the side effects which you should look out for are as follows:

– It can damage even the healthier cells helping fight cancer.

– Seizures and decompression sickness can always find a way to affect cancer patients when under treatment.

2. What Food Is Safe to Eat Before an HBOT?

Ans. You have to be careful when going for your first HBOT treatment. One of them is eating the right food to not trigger any stomach issues inside the Hyperbaric chamber.

The high concentration can dehydrate your body. Therefore, you should always choose food that has a high fluid count. Along with water, you can have fruits with high water quantity.

Food which is easier to digest, is the second thing. Because you can be there for a maximum of 3 hours, it is suggested to have food that is easy to digest. This is to remove the chances of nausea.

3. Is HBOT Safe for Dogs?

Ans. Yes, it is safe for many to consider Hyperbaric treatment for a dog.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: This is a serious condition that can occur when a dog inhales carbon monoxide. HBOT can help to remove carbon monoxide from the blood and improve the dog’s oxygen level.

Wound Healing: It can improve blood circulation in your feeling friend, helping them heal certain wounds.

Decompression Sickness: If your dog is a fan of swimming, it might suffer from a diver’s ears. HBOT can help them decompress, relieve them from pain due to a change of pressure, and clear blocked canals.

4. Are There Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Centers in Mexico?

Ans. Yes, there are several Oxygen Therapy centers in Mexico where you can find the proper treatment for your cause.

Bottom Line!

Safety is a must when going under HBOT treatment. Some of these safety tips include:

  • Not wearing anything inflammable inside the chamber.
  • Wear the clothing ite provided by the healthcare facility.
  • Always know when to call for help.
  • Understand the safety protocols before entering the chamber.

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