What is a skeleton trailer and how to load a container?


A skeleton trailer (also known as a skeleton trailer or skeleton semi-trailer) is a special type of trailer whose primary function is to transport shipping containers. Unlike traditional flatbed semi-trailers, skeleton trailers have a special structure that is able to hold and support containers.

Skeleton trailers are usually constructed of steel for strong load capacity and stability. At their base is a set of parallel long beams forming a strong skeletal structure for carrying and securing containers. How to load them? sunskyvehicle can give you a good answer.

There are a few steps to follow when loading a skeleton trailer:

Make sure the trailer is suitable for the desired size container: Skeleton trailers are often available to transport standard 20-foot and 40-foot containers. Make sure the size and construction of the trailer match the container being transported. Usually, it can carry 1X20FT, 1X40FT, or 2X20FT containers and carry bulk cargo. The specific load varies according to the number of axles.

Adjust the trailer position to the proper position: Adjust the trailer position to fit the container. Make sure the support beams on the bottom of the trailer are in the correct position on the container and line up with the corners on the bottom of the container.

Fixing the container: Use specially designed container fixing devices (such as locking pins (container locks), holding bars, tensioning devices, etc.) to securely fix the container on the skeleton trailer. These are located on the support beams of the skeletal trailer and correspond to the locking devices of the container.

Check for fixation and stability: Make sure the container is securely fastened to the skeletal trailer and shows no signs of loosening or moving. Perform necessary inspections to ensure that fixtures are functioning properly and meet safety requirements.

Note that the steps above provide general guidance for loading containers with skeleton trailers. However, exact loading procedures may vary depending on the type, specification, and manufacturer of the skeletal trailer and container. Before proceeding with loading, consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for skeletal trailers and containers, and follow relevant regulations and safety requirements.

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