Level of electoral abstentionism in the State of Mexico puts Mexican policital parties on alert towards 2024


The National Electoral Institute (INe) considered the electoral day in the State of Mexico and Coahuila a success, since the installation of polling stations overcame the logistical challenges and the registered incidents were minor, but above all because the preliminary results were timely and provided certainty between citizenship, I also know that they were accepted by political actors

Regarding the level of participation, in the State of Mexico, the number of voters could not exceed that of 2017, according to the Preliminary Electoral Results Program, since six years ago 6 million 80 thousand citizens went to the polls, while This Sunday, June 4, approximately 6 million 20 thousand did so.

Considering that the electoral roll in Mexican lands is 12.5 million voters, the level of participation was 49%, while the previous six-year term was 53.7%. In other words, this Sunday abstentionism was higher by three percentage points.

It is important to highlight that these are preliminary figures since the district counts will begin until Wednesday, June 7, which will allow us to know the result with precision.

Even so, during the quick count presented on Sunday night, the electoral authorities estimate the level of participation in the 125 municipalities that make up the State of Mexico between 48% and 50.2%, considering that more than 17 million live there.

More than 17 million people live in Edomex and of the 12.5 who could go to vote, it is estimated that only 49% participated. Photo: Darkroom

In Coahuila, the percentage of participation in the conference was 56.4%, which represents a decrease of about three percentage points compared to 60.5% in 2017. In this border entity, the register is 2.3 million people.

In the State of Mexico, Alejandra del Moral lost with 2 million 752 thousand 330 votes to the Morena candidate, Delfina Gómez, who obtained 3 million 268 thousand 516. Given this scenario, the parties that make up the Va Por México alliance (PRI- PAN-PRD) denounced unfair practices.


The Mexico City Post