Colima delivers the first birth certificate to a non-binary gender person


This procedure gives legal certainty to those who represent an identity different from that established in the certificate issued at birth.

On Friday, May 19th, the new birth certificate was officially delivered to Wendy Teresa Quezada Ricón, a resident of Villa de Álvarez, Colima, with which this municipality became the first in the state to carry out the gender change recognition process totally free, outside of the campaign to regularize the civil status of people. In an interview, Wendy stated that the life of a trans woman is not easy, she must fight against stereotypes and face different obstacles every day, however, she assured that there are moments like this where the fight is worth it.

It will not be necessary to wait for any campaign to carry out this procedure

She indicated that this procedure represents a new life for her since she can finally assume herself as a woman and when people ask her name, show them her voter identification card, without causing her embarrassment, as was the case with the previous name. The municipal president Esther Gutiérrez Andrade informed the local press that as of today it will no longer be necessary to wait for any campaign to carry out this procedure, in addition to the fact that it will be totally free, since, thanks to the approval of the government, interested persons will stop paying 2 thousand 386 pesos, the normal cost of the procedure.

Source: El Heraldo de México

The Colima Post