Republican Senator John Neely Kennedy said: “Without the United States, Mexicans would be eating cat food from a can”


Without the United States, Mexico would be eating cat food from a can, said Republican Senator John Neely Kennedy, during the appearance of the head of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Anne Milgram.

“Our economy is 18 times the size of Mexico’s. We buy $400 billion from them every year. Without the American people, Mexico would be, figuratively speaking, eating cat food out of a can and living in a backyard store.” said the congressman.

During the hearing, the actions taken by the Agency and the Biden Administration to combat the fentanyl crisis in the country and the Mexican drug cartels were discussed.

Kennedy insisted on the proposal that various Republicans have replicated, that US troops enter Mexican territory to help fight organized crime.

“Why don’t you and President Biden, without embarrassing anyone, pick up the phone and call President López Obrador and make him a deal he can’t refuse to allow our military and officers to enter Mexico and work with the Army to stop the cartels? Why don’t they do that?” asked the Republican in a direct question to Milgram.

Source: Telemundo

The Mazatlan Post