Tijuana and Rosarito beaches are the most polluted in the country


The Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) announced after monitoring that 286 of 289 beaches in Mexico are suitable for recreational use.

The study was carried out prior to the Easter holiday season and aims to protect the health of the population and warn them about the use of these tourist spaces.

After analyzing 2,152 seawater samples, they determined that those from Baja California, particularly Playas de Tijuana and Playas de Rosarito, exceeded the established limits for enterococci. We are currently working with state authorities to remedy their conditions.

Four weeks have passed since access to the beaches was restricted, as National Guard personnel guard the coasts. Currently, the Baja California Ministry of the Environment carries out constant sampling to determine when they can be used.

To determine if a beach is conducive, the guidelines established by the World Health Organization (WHO) are considered, as well as the operational manual for surveillance of seawater for recreational use.

With beaches free of sanitary risks, national and international tourism is also promoted, which favors the economy of Mexico.

Source: Yahoo News