Jalneneltitla: an ecotourism oasis in Tlaxcala


127 kilometers from Mexico City and in the highest part of the old manor of Tizatlán is “Jalneneltitla”, an unmissable ecotourism destination in Tlaxcala.

Its serenity, the lucky contact with wildlife, and the amazing proximity to the city are just a few reasons to visit this wonderful park located 10 minutes from the Tlaxcalan capital.

The place has a large extension and a peculiar desert air due to the abundant cacti and succulents that surround it. However, the freshness under the sun’s rays is present with a 1.4-meter deep pool and a large wading pool for the little ones.

Similarly, there is a hidden spring with very clean water that it is possible to reach when descending part of the hill, but the odyssey to get there involves climbing rocks and making some rest stops between ascents and descents with special equipment.

Admission is 40 pesos and it is open every day of the week. Visitors can also visit the archaeological zone of Tizatlán, integrated into the cultural heritage of the Nation since 2002, according to the INAH.

Tizatlán is a place inhabited by hospitable people, rich in natural resources and ancient culture.

Source: OEM

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