The 4 largest islands of Mexico


Get to know the largest islands in Mexico and live their natural wonders

In the largest islands of Mexico you will discover true paradises in front of different seas, which stand out for their territorial extension and incomparable natural beauty.

To get to know these islands, it is necessary to take a tour throughout the country, famous for its varied and beautiful coasts.

Isla Tiburón

Isla Tiburón (Shark Island) occupies the top of the largest islands in Mexico, with an area of more than 1,198 square kilometers.

It is located in the Gulf of California and is considered a natural sanctuary.

In 1978 it was recognized as a reserve area and refuge for migratory birds, as well as wildlife.

To reach this largest island in Mexico, it is necessary to take a road through Punta Chueca, a community inhabited by the indigenous people of the continental Seris.

Isla Ángel de la Guarda

The second largest island in Mexico is held by Ángel de la Guarda, with an area of 1,176 square kilometers.

It is also located in the Gulf of California, 133 kilometers east of the city of Ensenada.

This island is home to many animal species, including the endangered bighorn sheep.

The island of Cozumel

Now heading to the Mexican Caribbean, Cozumel occupies the third place among the largest islands in Mexico, but it is in the first place as the only one inhabited.

With an area of 477.5 square kilometers, it is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the country, with a large number of beaches and coral reefs that are recognized in the world for snorkeling and especially scuba diving.

Isla Espíritu Santo

The fourth largest island in Mexico is Espiritu Santo, with an area of 335.6 square kilometers.

It is located in the Gulf of California, near the coast of Baja California Sur. It is known for its impressive marine life, including a large number of whale sharks that come to this area every year.

The largest islands in Mexico offer a unique experience, thanks to their beautiful beaches and coral reefs, to their great variety of flora and fauna, which make each of them the most appreciated natural treasures in the country.

Source: Top Adventure