Should You Try CBD Transdermal Patches for Pain?


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid found in industrial hemp. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp cultivation in the United States as long as the plants contain a maximum of 0.3% THC. Although the legislation didn’t explicitly legalize CBD, it did make things a lot easier for sellers and buyers of the cannabinoid.

One of the main reasons people purchase CBD is to help manage pain. According to Statista, approximately 60% of users admit that pain relief is their #1 reason for using a CBD product. There are dozens of options on the marketplace, with oils and gummies among the most popular.

However, anecdotal reports suggest that CBD topicals such as creams and ointments are better options when it comes to effective and rapid pain relief. In general, topicals provide hours of pain relief. Now though, another product is becoming highly sought after; CBD patches. In this article, we look into the purported benefits of CBD patches and advise how to use them effectively.

Do CBD Patches Work?

Before buying a 60mg transdermal CBD patch it is important to understand how it works to ensure you get the best out of it. A CBD patch is a relatively small patch you place on the skin. It contains cannabidiol and several other ingredients designed to provide localized pain relief. As the patch ensures transdermal delivery of the cannabinoid straight to the bloodstream, it is potentially a very effective product.

Indeed, CBD patches offer several advantages over orally consumed products. For example, when you use CBD gummies, they must pass through the digestive system. This process ensures that less than 20% of the cannabidiol you consume makes it to the bloodstream.

In contrast, CBD patches deliver the cannabinoid through the skin, meaning that a significantly higher percentage makes it to the bloodstream. Basically, a 60mg CBD patch provides far more cannabidiol than 60mg worth of gummies.

Also, CBD patches are designed to be worn for several days. For example, PureKana’s CBD transdermal patch ( releases full-spectrum hemp extract for up to 96 hours. You’ll benefit from a slow and steady dose that works on the target area when you use the patch. It is a better solution for many individuals than having to remember to consume CBD oil or gummies each day.

Furthermore, CBD patches are best used by individuals looking to deal with pain in a specific body part. For instance, if you have a sore shoulder, you may discover that a patch provides more targeted pain relief than CBD oil.

What Mistakes Do People Who Use CBD Patches Make?

By far, the most common mistake involves a lack of patience. Remember, the patch can work for up to 96 hours. It is a slow and steady absorption method, and it will likely take far longer to feel the benefits than if you vape CBD or use a CBD oil or edible. As such, some people take off their CBD patch after less than a day, an action that robs them of the benefits.

Another error involves not thoroughly researching the patch’s ingredients. For example, some brands add chemical carriers to help the cannabidiol penetrate the skin and enter the bloodstream. However, some users may be allergic to these chemicals. As a result, they experience severe irritation and redness in the skin area where they apply the patch.

Finally, CBD patches are best used to target a certain area. If you have lower back pain, for example, a transdermal patch could be ideal. However, if you have general pains and aches, you’re arguably better served using a cream or ointment.

Final Thoughts on CBD Patches

It is worth checking out CBD patches if you want pain relief in a certain part of the body. This is especially the case if you dislike the taste and texture of CBD oil. Unlike topicals, which involve constant reapplication, patches provide relief for several days at a time.

Before investing in CBD patches, please ensure that the brand doesn’t add chemicals you’re allergic to. Also, you should only apply a patch to a smooth, clean part of the skin. They are not designed to be applied to broken skin.

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