The good people “divorce” AMLO: disapproval marks a record in February


According to the most recent survey by El Financiero, 46% of those surveyed “failed” the presidential administration.

Disapproval of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is on the rise in the final stretch of the six-year term with a new all-time high registered in February, according to the new survey by El Financiero.

The exercise carried out on 1,100 people from all over the country during the past month showed that 46 percent of those surveyed disapprove of the president’s work.

2023 has not been the ‘year of popularity’ for López Obrador, since just in January his disapproval was at 45 percent (an all-time high at the time).

The February El Financiero survey showed that the unfavorable opinion on corruption (the one that López Obrador promised to “sweep from top to bottom”) increased to 45 percent, one percentage point more than in January.

As a parenthesis, the unfavorable opinion on corruption is still far from the highs he registered in 2022, when it reached 52 percent in May of that year.

The Mexicans have also become more ‘pessimistic’ about the situation in the country under the Government of López Obrador. In February, the percentage of people who see that Mexico is on a bad path was the majority. That group has been growing since December 2022, when it stood at 28 percent; in January, it rose to 31 percent, and in February, to 35 percent.

The negative opinion on the economy remained at a level very similar to that of the previous month, moving from 52 to 51 percent. And speaking of that topic, the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) updated its forecasts for 2023 downwards last Wednesday.

For this year, it is estimated that the Gross Domestic Product will advance between 0.8 and 2.4 percent, with a central estimate of 1.6 percent. Banxico also ‘passed the scissors’ to its forecasts for 2024, when an advance of between 0.8 and 2.8 percent is expected, with a central estimate of 1.8 percent.

Source: El Financiero