AMLO, Carlos Slim and the FIA would have given the green light for the creation of the Cancun GP


Checo Pérez’s father, Antonio Garibay reiterated that this second F1 Grand Prix would arrive in 2025

The illusion that the Mexican Republic has two great Formula 1 GPs is more latent than ever, since the project that places Cancun as the second headquarters of the country could be close to becoming a reality, after the approval of the president of Mexico , Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), the International Automobile Federation (FIA) and Carlos Slim.

Antonio Garibay, father of the renowned Mexican driver who plays for Red Bull Racing, Sergio Checo PĂ©rez, assured in an interview with ESTO that after a series of meetings with the private sector, the Cancun GP has a viability of almost 60%.

“I had a meeting with Mexican businessmen, we already have the letters of intent prepared and I believe that we will be presenting it in mid-July, where it will be, the measures of the runway, to have everything ready and for the work to begin. Today it is 60% viable, the most important part is that the FIA (International Automobile Federation) and Formula One have already accepted it, they opened the doors for me,” he explained.

Pérez Garibay confessed that during the first plans of the project it was contemplated to take the Grand Prix to Jalisco, but the proposal was rejected by the automobile authorities: “They did not give me the opportunity. They did not accept it, it is Cancun or nothing, ”he emphasized.

“It will be the best grand prix in the world in the history of the country, it will be historic in terms of tourism, economic benefit and circuit. Cancun is Cancun, it’s going to be far superior to any. We are talking that the first years would be from 2025 to 2030 and I am sure that it will be a GP that will last for the next 20 years”, he remarked.

In the voice of the also deputy of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) in the state of Jalisco, he reiterated that the project has a “green light” from the Slim dynasty, the authorities of the Mexican Grand Prix and even the Mexican president, López Obrador .

“I already discussed it with Carlos Slim, with Alejandro Soberón, and it is fully checked and ticked off by everyone. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is aware, the state governor is aware, so I keep walking. It is a project made and directed by me and with national and foreign businessmen, they have nothing to do with federal, state, or municipal governments. I have been working on it for three years, ”he evoked with THIS.

On the complexity of the dates being stuck, Pérez Garibay, made special emphasis that in the event of this situation, the Mexico City GP would continue to be a priority: “Cancun would be cancelled, first it is Mexico, then it is Mexico and then Cancun,” he concluded.

Renewal of GP of Mexico 2025

Within the framework of the 2022 GP in Aztec lands, the head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, together with the general director of Formula 1, Stefano Domenicali, and the organizers of the Mexican Grand Prix, announced the renewal of the contract for this important sporting event for the next three years, that is, until the year 2025.

“Keeping the Grand Prix in the capital for three more years is the product of a coordinated effort to preserve an event that benefits the capital and excites thousands of fans,” argued Alejandro Soberón, CIE executive president and general director.

“Happy to move forward in Mexico. For this reason, I would like to thank Claudia and the government and the institutions that made it possible. Alejandro and Federico did a great job. It is a great opportunity for everyone and to show the world what Mexico is. It is a great race and a great experience to have so many people and thank you”, added Soberón.

The GP of Mexico, a round event in economic matters for CDMX

Based on the figures presented by the Secretariat for Economic Development (SEDECO), the 2022 GP was the one that generated the greatest economic benefit, since Formula 1 returned to Mexico in 2015. It is estimated that the event paid to the capital’s coffers almost 15 thousand 536 million pesos.

Source: Infobae