Rapiscan and Nutech fight for 12 mmdp of customs


The administration of Joe Biden pressed the López Obrador government, via Ambassador Ken Salazar, so that he did not acquire Chinese equipment.

This Monday the Ministry of National Defense will grant the bid of the International Electronic Public Bid under the coverage of Treaties Number LA-00700099-E1040-2022.

It is to acquire X -ray system for the non -intrusive inspection (SINI) of cargo vehicles and light vehicles of the Integral Project for the reinforcement of infrastructure and equipment in 21 custom points.

We talk about the border crossings, 19 in the north and two in the south, a contract that fights an American and a Mexican-Chinese consortium, which regardless of the winner, has been already politicized.

The contracts that will be granted are around 12 billion pesos and all the companies and consortiums that participated with their economic offer, only two included all the items.

The American Rapiscan Systems quoted 13,400 million pesos, and the Mexican Cruant and LTP Global Software, allied to China Nuctech Company, offered 11 thousand 747 million.

The winner must install no later than November 30, four portals for passenger buses, seven for rail load and 18 for empty cargo vehicles.

In addition, 54 high -energy X -ray portals for non -intrusive review of cargo vehicles and 87 X -ray portals for light vehicle review.

The administration of Joe Biden pressed the Government of the 4T, via Ambassador Ken Salazar, not to acquire Chinese equipment. But on November 9, López Obrador denied this information.

In that situation, those who are outlined to take the contract are Rapiscan or the Cruant-LTP-Nuctech consortium and to arm the alleged veto of the United States transcended a movement of the second.

What is presumed to do the consortium is that Nutech contributes with the equipment, and the software is implemented by Cruant and LTP. And this group is 1,500 million pesos lower than Rapiscan.

What the latter has in his favor is that it has the support of his government and because the new system must be interoperable with those of the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

It must be remembered that our neighbors fight to preserve economic superiority, but also technological, and even more in this region of the world and therefore has sought to politicize this purchase.

The Biden administration tries at all costs that this contract of the secretariat Luis Cresencio Sandoval commands in the hands of Astrophysics, Leidos or Rapiscan, even if the price is higher.

Editorial opinion by: Dario Celis

Source: El Financiero