19-year-old girl dies after falling from a 15-meter-tall pole during a fair in Puebla (VIDEO)


HUAUCHINANGO, PUEBLA.- A 19-year-old girl died after falling from a 15-meter-tall pole during the Las Flores Fair in Huachinango, Puebla, on Saturday, March 4th.

The teenager was participating in the show of the “Papantla flyers”, which climb to a great height to fall held by ropes (with no safety net or harness), while in the lower part, musicians play pre-Hispanic pieces.

The fall of the “Voladora” was recorded in a video broadcast on social networks, in which the woman is observed falling from a height of 15 meters.

After the tragic event, personnel from the Red Cross, Civil Protection, and Public Security arrived at the scene to provide assistance.

María Rosa, as she was identified, was taken by ambulance to the General Hospital in the area, but she died on the way.

In this regard, the state government secretary, Julio Miguel Huerta Gómez, regretted the accident and informed that accompaniment will be provided to the relatives.

The celebrations for the Festival of Flowers were suspended.

Source: OEM

Puebla Post