Cabeza de Vaca without limits: former governor persecuted by justice will seek the Presidency!


From hiding to the chair! The former governor of Tamaulipas Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca insisted that he will seek the Presidency after he obtained an amparo against an arrest warrant.

The former governor of Tamaulipas Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca insisted that he will seek the Presidency after he obtained an amparo against an arrest warrant from the Attorney General’s Office for the crimes of organized crime and money laundering.

“Of course I’m going to participate, it’s a decision I’ve made, I’ll be waiting for the registration times by my party, to be able to participate actively, from the outset, once the registrations for the candidacies for the Presidency of the Republic, I will be doing the same,” said Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca in an interview in the radio news cast ‘In the Morning’ with Ciro Gómez Leyva.

García Cabeza de Vaca pointed out that the amparo he obtained is proof that little by little he will begin proving innocence before the Mexicans and accused that Santiago Nieto deceived the Prosecutor’s Office by falsifying documents.

“For me it was very important to show my innocence. The accusations have been falling and time has proven me right,” said Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca.

He argued that the arrest warrant against him was a persecution for having defended his state, the families of Tamaulipas and clean energy.

For its part, the Attorney General of the Republic announced that he will challenge the resolution of the Eighth District Judge of the State of Tamaulipas, which granted the former governor the amparo, and argued that he has an arrest warrant on charges of organized crime and operations with resources of illicit origin.

Through the amparo trial 2477/2022-2, the judge annulled the arrest warrant that had been previously issued by another control judge. According to the FGR, the lawyer who granted appeal became “an agent of the defendant’s defense.”

On the other hand, the national leader of the National Action Party, Marko Cortés, pointed out that the accusations against the now former governor of Tamaulipas were a strategy by Morena to stay with the state “the bad way.” Regarding this, Francisco Javier García pointed out that these actions of the federal government ended with the Alliance of Federalist Governors, which included opposition state leaders.

The former governor of Tamaulipas left Mexico on September 28, 2022, two days before the end of his term as head of the state government, federal sources confirmed to the “Por la Mañana” program with Ciro Gómez Leyva.

A month ago, García Cabeza de Vaca had threatened to proceed legally against judges and officials of the FGR, between experts and public ministries, for the issuance of an arrest warrant against him in 2021, which triggered a political trial against his case, which was stopped by the Tamaulipas Congress.

Source: Radio Formula