AMLO opens the doors of Mexico to those persecuted by the Daniel Ortega regime in Nicaragua


President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported this Wednesday that he will open Mexico to those opponents of the government of his Nicaraguan counterpart, Daniel Ortega, to asylum, even naturalization if they wish, while he asked for dialogue in that country to overcome the political differences.

“Mexico has always been open to providing protection and asserting the right to asylum. If it is requested and if it is considered possible, we are in the best disposition”, said López Obrador.

The Mexican president revealed a letter that he sent to Ortega in December in which he requested his consent for Dora María Tellez, who was a former commander of the Sandinista guerrilla and later Minister of Health, and who was sentenced to prison for opposing the regime, to travel to Mexico for medical attention.

“Recently we have received expressions of discomfort over the situation of Nicaraguan citizens, members of various political organizations who are currently in prison in their country, among them in particular, we are concerned about the case of Mrs. Dora María Téllez, whose according to what we are told, his state of health is delicate. Consequently, we want to reiterate to you the willingness of our people to receive Mrs. Téllez in Mexico, avoiding leading propaganda purposes with the sole purpose of receiving the necessary medical attention and being able to remain in our country if she so requests and it is her will.

“This approach responds to humanitarian reasons, I reiterate, we are not moved by another interest other than brotherhood with the Nicaraguan people, this common history and commitment of Mexico to always open the doors to those who consider it essential for security and protection beyond ideologies or positions. policies”, read the head of the federal Executive.

This letter was not responded by the Daniel Ortega regime, however, a few weeks ago, Téllez was released and expelled to the United States along with other political prisoners, including activists and journalists, whose Nicaraguan government revoked their Nicaraguan nationality.

“Nationality cannot be lost by decree. Asylum or whatever they want, those who want to come to Mexico, “added López Obrador.

In this sense, the man from Tabasco reported that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) has received requests from Nicaraguans to receive asylum in Mexico, so the requests will be processed.

“I also inform you that there have been people in Nicaragua who have asked to be in Mexico, the Secretary of Foreign Relations informed me, and he consulted me and the instruction is that all those who want to be in our country have the doors open, and they are well received,” he said.

Source: Forbes