Pot marigold is a plant that belongs to the daisy (Asteraceae) family. It’s been used for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years.
The main medicinal applications of marigold are for skin conditions of all kinds, including contusions, bruises, and varicose veins. Minor skin injuries and inflammation can also be successfully treated. Marigold ointment promotes wound healing for eczema and sunburns.
What Is Marigold (Calendula)?
Calendula is a small bushy plant that has light green leaves and flowers that can be yellow or orange. There are about 20 species of plants that are part of the Calendula family. But only Calendula officinalis, more commonly known as calendula, is used for medicines and as food.
Calendula has several common names:
- Poet’s marigold
- Pot marigold
- Marigold
Calendulas are not the same as true marigolds. True marigolds are of the Tagetes genus and are popular ornamental plants. The two flowers look quite similar with their bright yellow and orange shade and are often confused. But while calendula flowers are edible, there’s some disagreement about whether true marigolds are edible.
The word “calendula” comes from the Latin kalendae or Middle English word calends, which means “the first day of the month.” Experts say this may refer to the plant blooming at the beginning of most months.
In folk medicine, their water infusions have long been used as a diuretic, antihelminthic, and diaphoretic. Tea from the flowers was used for diarrhea and colic in the gastrointestinal tract.
The Indigenous people in Mexico have used them to increase lactation in lactating women and relieve joint pain from rheumatism.
As a natural medicine, the Mexican marigold has a long history. The plant has been used to treat upset and queasy stomachs, help with digestive issues, and to soothe the discomfort of a toothache. The plant is also used as a treatment for colic and colds.
Mexican Marigold Uses
- The leaves are used as a substitute for tarragon and added as a flavor in soups, sauces, and other food pieces of stuff.
- Delicious tea is prepared using dried leaves and flower heads.
- The Mexicans and Central Americans use this as a medicinal plant.
- The plant is burnt to repel the insects.
- The Aztecs use Mexican Marigold as one of the ingredients in medicinal powder which was blown on the faces before human sacrifice.
- It was linked to the rain named Tlaloc. This plant has psychotropic and entheogenic effects.
- This plant has extremely rich looks and is grown as an ornamental plant in home gardens. It thrives well in hot and humid climates where many herbs languish.
In Mexico, the states with the best weather conditions for the reproduction of this flower are Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Michoacán, Puebla, and Mexico State. That’s why if you visit these places, you will find a significant quantity of these flowers if you see these places.
Source: OEM