Restrictive discriminatory housing policies against Mexicans have been a regular practice for years in California


At last, after decades of silence, the California Association of Realtors is apologizing for its role in promoting our state’s racist housing policies. Leaders of several California real estate organizations gathered at a press conference on Oct. 21, 2022, to focus on the next steps to correct years of discriminatory acts that segregated our cities, reduced the ability to build affordable housing, and promoted redlining. In 1964, the association attempted to prevent the passage of the Rumford Fair Housing Act which removed discriminatory practices in housing.

Evidence of racism in housing is reflected in the Modesto, California area. Over half of the subdivisions in our area contained restrictions on their deeds that prevented people of color, especially Black people, from purchasing homes. Many restrictions read as follows: “Occupants must be white or Caucasian: no Negroes, Mexicans, Hindus, Filipinos.” Thanks to the Fair Housing Act of 1968 discriminatory practices became illegal.

Past discriminatory practices have prevented people of color, primarily Black people, from home ownership. As a result, Black people have only 10% of the wealth of white people.

Before I applaud the California Association of Realtors’ apology, I will await its next steps.

Sharon Yosiph Froba, NAACP Housing Chair, Modesto

Click here to read the complete original article in The Modesto Bee

Source: Modesto Bee

Baja California Post