Five bodies were found in plastic bags in Acapulco, Guerrero

The Dismembered bodies were found inside an abandoned car (Photo: OEM)

ACAPULCO, GUERRERO.- Prosecutors in southern Mexico said Monday they found the bodies of five men in a village north of the Pacific coast resort of Acapulco.

Prosecutors in southern Guerrero state did not give details on the killings, but local media reported the bodies had been hacked up and left in plastic bags.

Acapulco has been riven by bloody drug gang violence for over 15 years.

And in another town just north of the resort, prosecutors said Monday that two more men had been killed. The town of Xaltianguis has been fought over by rival gangs of vigilantes, some of them believed to have drug cartel ties.

1n 2019, a heavily armed vigilante force took over Xaltianguis by driving out a rival band, blowing up a car with gas cylinders inside, and cutting up the body of one of two fallen foes.

Source: OEM

The Guerrero Post