Price of gasoline in Mexico this December 24


The cost of gasoline changes daily throughout the country and are disclosed by the Energy Regulatory Commission

One of the main promises that Andrés Manuel López Obrador made when he assumed the Presidency of Mexico was not to raise fuel prices , which is why gasoline and diesel have become one of the main topics of conversation among Mexicans.

There have been several occasions in which the president has called on dealers to help maintain a balance between prices and comply with the commitment not to make increases that have a significant impact on the pockets of citizens.

However, factors such as international oil costs, the dollar exchange rate, taxes, the profit margin of gas station brands, logistics costs and even geographic location mean that the price of fuel cannot be maintained without changes.

For this reason it is important to be updated, government agencies such as the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) and the Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (Profeco) constantly publish updated gasoline prices in states and cities.

How much does gasoline cost per liter?

These are the average prices of gasoline and diesel at gas stations in Mexico this December 24. Remember that the cost of fuel changes daily so it is important that you know its value.

The cost of magna gasoline this day is 21,635 pesos per liter on average.

While the value of premium gasoline today is sold at 23,948 pesos per liter on average

Finally, the price of diesel is 23,713 pesos per liter on average.

Prices reported by permit holders online in accordance with the obligation established in Agreement No. A/041/2018 of the Energy Regulatory Commission.

gasoline priceThe CRE and Profeco constantly report on fuel prices. (File, Archive)

Gasoline price per station

When regulated by the market, the price of fuels not only varies by state and municipality, it even does so by gas station.

To consult the cheapest cost of fuel per station every day, there is the following official website of the CRE -the highest regulatory body in energy matters in Mexico-, where you can access this and more information on the matter, entering only the state and the municipality of residence.

Profeco also has a website in order to provide updated information on service stations that sell gasoline and diesel with the highest and lowest prices throughout the country.

The Profeco page is called ” Who is who in the gasoline “, which is built from the reports of the same CRE on the sale to the public of gasoline and diesel. To access, click on the following link .

Another of Profeco’s services is the Litro X Litro app , available on iOS and Android, where users can identify gas stations that sell full liters of gasoline, as well as compare prices, file complaints and complaints.

gasoline priceThe price of oil is central to defining the cost of gasoline. (File, Archive)

The factors that define the price of gasoline

The price of gasoline can vary in Mexico due to a variety of factors such as the reference price, taxes, and logistics .

The reference cost is based on international oil prices , since it is quoted in dollars globally, therefore, the average value of fuels is modified with respect to the exchange rate between the dollar and the peso.

During the first months of the covid-19 pandemic, the influence of international oil prices on gasoline was evident when the hydrocarbon decreased to reach historical figures , which caused gasoline to register very low costs , until the “black gold” stabilized and with it the value of its derivatives.

The same thing happened, but in an opposite case, during the first half of 2022, when international oil prices skyrocketed and with it the cost of fuel around the world.

However, there were countries that were less affected due to different measures, such as Mexico, where a subsidy applied by the Federal Government kept gasoline prices relatively stable.

Said subsidy is a stimulus to the Federal Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS) , which directly influences the price of gasoline and which is determined by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP).

Costs can also change for logistical reasons, that is, transportation and storage, if fuel prices rise when transporting refined oil and gasoline in pipes or by ship, costs will increase.

Other factors that influence fuel prices are given by geographic location.