Canadian Southern Empire acquires the La Loma property in Durango, Mexico


Southern Empire Resources Corp. announces the acquisition of the 23,750 hectares (“ha”; 58,687 acres) La Loma gold property by staking. La Loma is located in Durango State, México approximately 50 kilometers (“km”) southeast of Southern Empire’s Pedro Gold Project and 35 km west-southwest of the major city of Torreón (see Figure 1).

Southern Empire also announces the expansion of its recently optioned Centauro Gold (“Au”) Project (see Southern Empire news release dated December 12, 2022) located near Jiménez, Chihuahua from an original 600 ha to 4,432 ha (10,951 acres) with the staking of the Tauros and Centauro 2 claims.

“Southern Empire’s La Loma, Pedro, and Centauro gold projects support our theory that a northwest trending metallogenic belt of “Carlin-style” and/or low sulfidation epithermal gold deposits extends through northern central México. Our projects all exhibit many of the geological and mineralogical features that define these important precious metal deposit types,” stated David Tupper, Southern Empire’s VP of Exploration.

La Loma Property

Southern Empire’s La Loma, Pedro, and Centauro Gold Projects occur within the north Mexican Oligocene Basin and Range physiographic province. These three project areas define a 150-kilometer trend of gold occurrences that are associated with arsenic-mercury-antimony mineralization, together with silica and clay alteration, all hosted in the same package of Cretaceous limestones and mudstones and Tertiary ignimbrite eruptive and polymictic conglomerate lithologies.

As part of the “Laramide” Lower Cretaceous to early Tertiary, Mexican Fold and Trust Belt, the stratigraphy of the area exhibits repeated, elongate north-south folds that are regularly interrupted by moderate- to high-angle thrusts and later extensional faulting (see Figure 2).

A significant portion of the La Loma property covers “Terrano Naccional” (federal land) and is therefore unencumbered by private or communal Ejido ownership (see Figure 2). Access is limited to several broad, ephemeral riverbeds (arroyos) extending from the south.

Southern Empire Resources Corp. , Monday, December 19, 2022, Press release picture

The La Loma property covers a large, unexplored area having Au, arsenic (“As”), antimony (“Sb”), mercury (“Hg”), molybdenum (“Mo”), and silver (“Ag”) stream sediment geochemical anomalies as reported by the Secretaria de Economia de México, (“SGM”) in 2006 (see Figure 3). This government stream sediment sampling survey was completed at a low, regional density. Additionally, much of the regional geological mapping was accomplished with the aid of stereoscopic interpretation.

Hyperspectral mapping (ASTER 2003/06; see Figure 2) shows that these geochemical anomalies are often coincident with zones of strong silica alteration.

Click here to read the complete original article on Accesswire

SOURCES: Accesswire / Southern Empire Resources Corp.

The Durango Post