Tequila breaks record in production and exports


During this year, a production of 601.6 million liters of tequila was reported

The tequila industry registered a record this year in production, exports and consumption of agave.

The Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT) reported today that from January to November of this year a production of 601.6 million liters of tequila is reported, which compared to the 527 million liters produced last year means an increase of 14.1 percent.

Regarding exports, the agency reported that from January to November 2022, 386.1 million liters have been sold abroad, 14.1 percent more than in all of 2021, the year in which a total of 338.1 million liters of tequila were exported. For production, it is the fifth consecutive year that it has broken its own record, and for exports it is the thirteenth year that it has also broken its records.

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Regarding the consumption of agave, the CRT announced that from January to November the 2,428 million tons used was reached, 20.2 percent more than all of 2021, the year in which 2,019 million tons of raw material of the agave were consumed. This will be the ninth year in which it continuously exceeds the figures for agave consumption.

“Without a doubt these last few years have been very lucky for the tequila agribusiness, they have been years of significant growth, and this 2022 is no exception, because before the end of this year the figures for 2021 have already been exceeded, and there is still the month of December. The great work of each one of the links that make up this productive chain are reflected in these important figures, while the CRT continues to reinforce its activity to guarantee compliance with the regulations applicable to tequila”, commented Miguel Ángel Domínguez Morales, President of the Regulatory Council.

The United States of North America, the main destination for Tequila, has also exceeded the number of imported liters for all of 2021 (288.3 million liters), so far this 2022, 314.4 million liters of tequila have been exported to this destination, which represents 81.4% of the total volume exported. Colombia continues to be the only Latin American country that appears in the top ten of tequila importing countries, occupying the seventh position, while Japan, which is in tenth place, is the only Asian country that appears in this list of the Tequila Regulatory Council.

“The 120 countries to which tequila is exported are of great importance due to the volume of liters they represent, for this reason we are taking care of shielding our national drink with all the regulations that the different markets require; To mention just a few, the issue of sustainability with the Agave Responsible Ambiental certification mark, recently the issue of deforestation freedom officially became a requirement for entry into the European Union for many products, and Tequila goes a step further by being already implementing this requirement of responsibility with the environment” mentioned Domínguez Morales, president of the CRT.

Finally, the CRT said that there are still a few weeks left until the end of the year 2022, and these figures are expected to increase during the month of December.

For next year growth, between 5 and 10 percent is expected for this sector.

     2,108 certified tequila brands

     1,220,840,756 agave plants registered in the inventory

     32 thousand agave producers

     183 tequila producing companies

     385.6 million liters of tequila in inventory

     157,968-man hours invested in tequila production and inspection

Source: El Informador