Carmen Aristegui wins the XIX Diario Madrid Prize in Spain for “permanent defense of freedoms”


The award ceremony will take place in 2023 in Madrid. The jury recognizes the “extensive and indisputable career of the journalist.”

The Mexican journalist Carmen Aristegui won the XIX Diario Madrid Award in Spain for her career and “her permanent defense of civil liberties” in a country, Mexico, “difficult to practice journalism.”

Aristegui is the director and host of the program Aristegui en vivo -which is broadcast Monday through Friday on, she also directs- and she also hosts the interview program that bears her name on the CNN television network in Spanish.

In a statement, the Association of European Journalists explained on Monday that the jury for the prize awarded to Aristegui was made up of Spanish journalists Miguel Ángel Aguilar, president of the Diario Madrid Foundation, and Miguel Ángel Gozalo, former president of the EFE Agency, among others.

The Diario Madrid Foundation is “heir to the spirit of the Madrid newspaper, illegally closed in 1971”, in the last years of the Franco dictatorship, according to the entity itself.

The journalist will receive a bronze bas-relief by the sculptor Julio López Hernández, in a delivery that will take place in 2023 in Madrid.

The act valued in Carmen Aristegui “the extensive and indisputable trajectory of the journalist in the press, radio and television, both in the exercise of the profession and in her permanent defense of civil liberties in Mexico, a country that is experiencing a difficult time to exercise journalism, cornerstone of democracy.

The jury in charge of awarding the prize was made up of Miguel Ángel Aguilar, president of the Diario Madrid Foundation; José Vicente de Juan, Vice President of the Diario Madrid Foundation; Javier Fernández del Moral, professor of journalism at the UCM; Miguel Ángel Gozalo, former president of the EFE Agency; Nativel Preciado, writer and journalist for Infolibre and El Debate of 1 RTVE; Román Orozco, former director of Cambio16; Andrea Aguilar, editor of Culture of the newspaper El País; Juan-Claudio de Ramón Jr., columnist for El Mundo and diplomat; José Francisco Parra, from the Ortega y Gasset University Institute; Ricardo Cayuela, editor and writer; Karina Sainz Borgo, writer and columnist for the ABC newspaper; Victoria Carvajal, journalist, from the Editorial Board of The Objective; Marina Fernández, journalist at Hora 25 of Cadena SER; Elisa de la Nuez, president of the foundation ¿Hay derecho?; and Rosa Cullell, journalist at Crónica Global and TVE. Juan de Oñate, director of the Association of European Journalists, acted as non-voting secretary.

Carmen Aristegui has previously been honored with numerous awards, including the Maria Moors Cabot Award, the Gabo Award, the Knight Award, and the National Journalism Award, and is currently President of the Walter Reuter German Journalism Award and the Javier Valdez Award. Cardenas from Penguin Random House.

The Ortega y Gasset México University Research Institute congratulated the journalist for the award she will receive, for her outstanding career and social commitment.

Mexico ranks 127th out of 180 countries in the Reporters Without Borders world press freedom ranking.

The Mexican government reported on October 27 the murder of 260 journalists in the last three six-year terms, 63 of them murdered so far in the presidency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which began on December 1, 2018.

The Government Undersecretary for Human Rights, Alejandro Encinas, counted 13 murders of communicators this year, although the Inter-American Press Association (SIP) registered 18.
