While Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador irresponsibly claims that the people of Mexico are happy, happy, happy (as the president himself has literally said many times), the reality shows that an average of 80 violent murders were committed during the weekend on Mexican territory, which should be very alarming for the government, but instead of doing something about it, AMLO maintains his absurd strategy of “Hugs not Bullets”.
The weekend prior to the Guadalupano festivities, 241 people were murdered throughout the country, to reach 874 victims of intentional homicide, an average of 79.4 cases per day, so far in the last month of 2022.
The report from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP) establishes that between Friday, December 9, and Sunday, December 11, there were four entities with 10 or more people killed in a single day.
These are the cases of Baja California and Guanajuato with 10 victims on Friday, Puebla had the same number on Saturday, December 10, and on Sunday 12 people were murdered in the State of Mexico.
Guerrero, who had a massacre of seven people executed, including a minor, in a school located in the community of El Durazno, in Coyuca de Catalán, reported 2 homicides on Friday, 6 on Saturday, and 9 on Sunday.
In Sonora, where a bonfire with five bodies was found, including those of three minors, in Ciudad Obregón, and attacks on businesses in Guaymas, 6 murders were reported on Friday, 8 on Saturday, and 3 on Sunday.
The report of Victims says that for the crime of homicide (State Prosecutors and Federal Dependencies) establishes that in total, Guanajuato was the state with the most people murdered between Friday, December 9 and Sunday, December 11, with a total of 26 cases.
It is followed by the State of Mexico with 21 victims of this crime, Baja California with 20 cases, Michoacán with 18; Guerrero, Puebla, and Sonora, with 17 people murdered in each state.
In this period, in Chihuahua the murder of 13 people was registered during the weekend, in Jalisco, there were 12 cases; in Nuevo León and Zacatecas, 10 people were murdered per state.
In Oaxaca, 8 people were murdered last weekend, in Sinaloa, there were 6 cases, 5 in Veracruz and 4 in Tabasco, according to the SESNSP report.
Source: Excelsior