Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, delayed this Thursday, December 8th, the recognition of Dina Boluarte, the new president of Peru, after the dismissal on Wednesday of Pedro Castillo.
“That will be resolved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they are making their analyzes of the situation, we have to wait a while, everything is very recent, and we do have to adhere to the constitutional principles, of non-intervention,” López Obrador declared in his daily press conference.
The president responded that he “does not know” if good relations with the new government of Peru will continue, but ruled out a break.
“We do not know, no (relations are broken), but we are going to wait a few days, I think it is the most appropriate, it is not our purpose to intervene in internal affairs, we are very sorry, yes, that these things happen,” AMLO said.
Source: EFE