AMLO says that there must be a limit between crime and authority


Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, pointed out that his public security strategy is yielding results, but warned that in some municipalities of the country the saying “silver or lead” still applies.

“There is something that has to be taken into account: even if there are honest policemen, in the local area it is very risky to carry out their duty, because in the municipality it is known where the policeman lives, where his relatives live, and it is applied, unfortunately, the saying ‘silver or lead’: either they co-opt them and put themselves at the service of crime or they attack them,” he said.

He said that there must be a limit between crime and authority, and that can only be done with coordination.

Lamenting the death of José Silvestre Urzúa, coordinator of the National Guard in Zacatecas, he assured that he seeks not to corrupt the reform that integrates the National Defense Secretariat into this security body.

Source: El Heraldo de Mexico

Mexico Daily Post