Cuban illegal immigrants detained in Cozumel, Quintana Roo

Rich Carey /

More than two dozen people of Cuban nationality have been turned over to INM officers on the island of Cozumel.

A group of 14 Cubans was detected on Saturday, November 19th, arriving on a small vessel to the eastern coast of the island. Their boat was found at Isla de la Pasión on the east side of the island.

Officers from the National Institute of Migration (INM) were made aware of the situation. And on Saturday, November 19th, shortly after 1:00 p.m. they went to the spot where the boast with 14 people on board had docked.

Of the illegal immigrants, six were women and one was a minor.

Rodrigo Rodríguez Peña, Director of Cozumel Municipal Public Security, confirmed the finding of the boat with the 14 on board and reported that all 14 were provided with food and medical attention before being handed over to INM officials.

Source: Noticaribe

The Cancun Post