According to Grand View Research, the estimated worldwide market value of used automobiles is expected to reach over 1.62 trillion USD in 2022, and the number is anticipated to rise dramatically next year. To keep up with this generation’s fast-paced lifestyle, cars have evolved into the necessity of everyday life; hence, the purchase of vehicles has soared throughout the previous decade. Therefore, if one has a tight budget, it is a wise investment to buy a used or ‘second-hand’ car.
However, there are also disadvantages to acquiring a used automobile, such as odometer fraud and, most crucially, the risk of obtaining a stolen vehicle. Only in Virginia, around 9,000 vehicles get stolen per year, and it has a market of approximately 80 million USD — therefore, many people get tricked into buying stolen cars, as they are usually cheaper and in relatively better condition than other used cars.
Now, the most reliable way to find whether you are buying a stolen car is to check its actual ownership with the VIN code at FaxVIN owner report, where one can claim authentic information about a car’s owner along with a whole ‘vehicle history report’ of the car in question.
What Is a VIN Code?
VIN code or Vehicle Identification Number is a unique 17 alphanumeric digits curved in the car’s body. Each vehicle has its unique number, which can provide every car information. A VIN code is segregated into seven parts, where the first character indicates where the car was built, and then consecutively, characters represent the manufacturer, brand, size, engine type, authorization by the manufacturers, model, serial number, etc. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration issued a statement in 1981 that a VIN code must not consist of I (i), O (o), and Q (q) to prevent confusion with the numbers 1 and 0.
How Does VIN Help You?
Each vehicle’s VIN code is unique and cannot be changed, edited, or copied. As a result, it works as a digital footprint of each particular vehicle and provides not only the details of its owner but also its vehicle history report and theft history. Therefore, viewing the details of a vehicle with the help of a VIN code is the best way to evade buying a stolen car.
Where to Find VIN Code?
One can usually find the VIN code on the interior dashboard by the windshield of a car. It is possible to see it in front of the engine if one opens up the hood and inside a door jamb or by the door post near the driver’s seat.
The VIN code may be found not only on the body of a car, but also in insurance paperwork, in VIN search, and within the driver’s manual. Therefore, the actual owner of a car will possess at least one of these documents with a valid VIN code in it.
How to Use a VIN Code?
After obtaining the VIN code, a buyer can easily search for the details of the car in question on multiple websites like FAXVIN. A VIN check prevents you from purchasing a stolen vehicle and helps you determine whether the vendor is selling illegally.