Andrés Manuel López Obradror shouted: “Death to corruption!” If the presidential exclamation is fulfilled, there will be many dead in his cabinet.
The Gray House. Alejandro Esquer’s cash carousel. Gertz and Scherer. Mario Delgado and the King of Huachicol. Line 12 of Claudia and Marcelo. The casineros of Adam Augusto. Adam’s contracts with cousin Felipa. The Pemex contracts to Felipa’s cousin. The Bartlett Houses. The houses of Irma Erendira. The houses of Durazo. Santiago Nieto’s money.
The 162 million in contracts to Bartlett’s son. The 150 million to Epigmenio. The remission of taxes to Epigmenio. The ghost companies of Jesús Ramírez. Jorge Arganis and the Pandora Papers. Nahle and Dos Bocas. Napito. Anna Guevara. Octavio Oropeza and his relatives on the Pemex payroll. The robberies in the Institute to Give Back to the People the Stolen. Corruption in Customs. The ghost companies of the Felipe Ángeles airport. Delfina and how he robbed the Texcoco workers. The embezzlement of her sister-in-law Concepción Falcón in Macuspana. The recordings of his niece asking for moches in Tamaulipas. Sowing Life for Rocío Chocolates.
The false beneficiaries of Youth Building the Future. The non-existent scholarship holders of the Welfare Scholarships. Segalmex, Ovalle. Gabriel García and his management from the National Palace. The scandals of the “Bicho” Calderón networks. The recordings of officials instructing the use of social programs to benefit Morena. The recordings of the moches in the CRE. Lázaro Cárdenas and Leonel Godoy with Odebrecht. Maximiliano Reyes and the traffic with Venezuela. Martha Delgado’s friends at the Dubai Expo.
The 800 million to the schools of the owners of the PT. The embassies in exchange for impunity. Forgive Alito. Quintana Roo to the Green Party. San Luis Potosi to La Gallardia. Bonilla vs. Marina del Pilar, in Baja California. Cuitlahuac vs. Montreal, in Veracruz. The pharmaceutical network of the Lomelí superdelegate in Jalisco. Pablo Amílcar Sandoval and the use of social programs. Cuauhtémoc Blanco’s representative and brother in Morelos. The contracts to the son of the official of the Economic Culture Fund.
The contracts to the brother of the IMSS director. The contracts of the governments of Morena to the coordinator of the deputies of Morena. The millions to beautify the surroundings of the president’s ranch. The IMSS that bought the most expensive mouths in the world. Seade’s flights to see Canelo, charged to the treasury. Cabal Peniche and his ATMs. Urzúa and Toledo exhibiting Alfonso Romo. Make the wife of your favorite builder a minister of the Supreme Court. The record in direct awards.
The night of the celebration of the Independence of Mexico, from the central balcony of the National Palace and in front of the Zócalo, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador added several harangues to the traditional patriotic cry. One of them was “Death to corruption!”. If the presidential exclamation is fulfilled, there will be many dead in his cabinet.