Protection granted to Xebra Brands to market industrial cannabis in Mexico


The resolution is for Cofepris to grant the Canadian company the first authorization to plant, harvest, produce and market industrial hemp.

The Third Collegiate Court in Administrative Matters of Mexico City granted an injunction in favor of the Canadian company Xebra Brands to plant, produce and market industrial cannabis in Mexico.

The company dedicated to cannabis indicated that it has taken a transcendental step on its way to being a pioneer in the industrial hemp market in Mexico.

Last Thursday, August 25, the Collegiate Court definitively resolved the amparo in favor of the Mexican subsidiary of Xebra Brands, so that the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) grants it the first authorization to sow, harvest, produce and commercialize industrial hemp in Mexico.

“According to the legal procedure, the sentence of this body of the Judicial Power of the Federation will be sent to a Federal Judge, who in turn will require the Sanitary Regulation Agency for compliance,” the companies reported.

On December 2, 2021, Xebra Brands indicated that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation voted unanimously in favor of the protection promoted by its subsidiary.

And on March 24, 2022, the companies announced that the SCJN forwarded its favorable ruling to the Collegiate Court.

“The Canadian company announces today with pleasure that the Collegiate Court reaffirmed the decision of the Supreme Court, endorsing the irrevocable protection in favor of the Mexican subsidiary of Xebra Brands. It should be noted that the ruling in favor is due to compliance with a Court ruling, ”he pointed out.

The protection applies specifically to industrial cannabis with low levels of THC (less than 1%), in practical terms, for the cultivation, processing, manufacture, and sale of CBD products such as tinctures, oils, creams, edibles, beverages, concentrates, and distillates. , emulsions and biomass. Opportunities for the use of hemp in the plastics industry have also been identified.

“There are no more legal steps to jump,” Xebra Brands CEO Jay Garnet said today.

The final step is for Cofepris to grant the corresponding authorizations to commercialize industrial hemp.

The company highlighted that Mexico has great potential to be one of the largest industrial cannabis consumer markets in the world in the short term, since the country is part of the North American Free Trade Agreement (USMCA), which greatly benefits the industry.

“Mexico has great experience in the cultivation of agricultural products, so there is the possibility of becoming the largest large-scale producer of industrial cannabis in the region,” he said.

Mexico Daily Post