Mayan Train: this is how the tracks that will cross the Usumacinta are being placed


One of the rivers that the Mayan Train will cross is the Usumacinta, for which the foundations that will support the passage of the Train are already being laid.

Despite the legal problems that the Mayan Train faces in one of its sections, the construction of one of the emblematic projects of President Andrés Manuel López continues.

According to the latest Government report, up to July 25, sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 recorded progress such as the construction of more than 50 livestock and agricultural crossings, the construction of the Edzná terminal and the placement of rail over sleepers and first layer of ballast.

One of the rivers that the Mayan Train will cross is the Usumacinta, for which the foundations that will support the passage of the Train on the Boca del Cerro bridge, which will have a length of 220 meters, are already being laid.

Upstream is the Usumacinta Canyon with sections of rapids to be used in adventure tourism.

Meanwhile, downstream, the municipalities of Balancán, Emiliano Zapata, Jonuta, and Centla are connected until they flow into the Gulf of Mexico.

Boca del Cerro is the second station of the Mayan Train and the first in the state of Tabasco. According to the Government, its high location will allow a beautiful view of the landscape where the river and the jungle meet.

For now, the only section that is stopped is section 5, this is after the First District Judge based in Yucatan decided to maintain the suspension of the works.

This Monday, August 1, the hearing will be held in which a judge will define whether or not the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) violated the suspension of the construction of Section 5.

Tabasco Post