Cat Day 2022: Why is it celebrated three times a year?


Cat Day 2022: On August 8 of each year these incredible life companions are celebrated, but they are celebrated three times a year, we tell you why.

Every August 8, the kittens are commemorated internationally, but these incredible pets are celebrated three times a year, as part of Cat Day 2022 we explain why.

Currently, the three dates marked on the calendar to commemorate International Cat Day are February 20, August 8, and October 29 of each year, but why is International Cat Day celebrated three times a year?

Every year, on these three dates, the owners of the kittens take the opportunity to share videos or photographs of their cats on social networks and the celebration of Cat Day 2022 will not be the exception.

May be an image of cat

Why is International Cat Day celebrated on February 20?

The origin of the celebration of International Cat Day on February 20 is due to a cat named “Socks”, who was the pet of the family of Bill Clinton, president of the United States in 1993.

The cat was adopted in 1991 by the president’s daughter, and over time he endeared himself to American citizens.

Years later, Socks was diagnosed with cancer and after receiving some treatments, the family made the decision to put him to sleep on February 20, 2009, for which some users on social networks declared February 20 as International Cat Day, with the reason to honor the feline.

International Cat Day August 8
The White House President Barack Obama

How does the celebration of International Cat Day come about on August 8?

The second date indicated for Cat Day is every August 8, this day was chosen by the International Forum for Animal Welfare (IFAW), which began to be commemorated in 2002.

Some experts on these felines say that the reason this day was chosen is because August is the time of year when cats are most likely to go into heat.

Cat Day is celebrated on October 29 in the United States.

Finally, on October 29, International Cat Day is celebrated in the United States (EU), which later spread to the whole world.

The celebration of cats on October 29 arises when Collen Paige, an expert in pet lifestyle, proposed this date to celebrate the existence of cats in the United States (USA), since the objective of this day is to raise awareness the society of the existence of stray cats, as well as promoting the adoption of felines.

International Cat Day August 8

Why is it good to have a cat at home?

Within the framework of Cat Day 2022, we can confirm that adopting a cat is one of the best decisions that can be made in life, since these animals, despite their character and unique personality, become excellent companions in life.

Adopting a cat is a sign of love and solidarity to their life, because in Mexico the abandonment of these animals is increasing, as well as the damage they do due to some beliefs about them, mainly in black cats.

On the other hand, cats are usually animals that adapt easily to the environment where they are, as well as being very independent, so whether they live in a large house or an apartment, these felines will adapt to the space that you can provide them. So Happy Cat Day 2022.

May be an image of cat and text that says 'Pueden saltar desde más de metros de altura. DÍA INTERNACIONAL DEL GATO En Egipto fueron venerados como dioses. Los domesticados pueden dormir 70% del día. Las caricias solo en las orejas, bajo la barbilla cerca de las mejillas. Otro 15% pasan acicalándose. La raza Kéfir es el más grande del mundo con un peso de 12 kilos. Los gatos negros están relacionados con desgracias. Algunas razas comunes son: Persa,Main Main Coon, Siamés, Azul ruso. FIAN FUERZA INFORMATIVA'

Mexico Daily Post