On visit to Bolivia, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard will discuss lithium collaboration

Photo: Twitter@RogelioMayta_bo

Mexico foreign minister to discuss lithium collaboration in coming visit to Bolivia.

Mexico’s Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard will discuss lithium collaboration with Bolivian authorities in his visit to the South American country scheduled for Friday, Agust 5th, according to a statement published on Wednesday, August 3rd by the ministry.

Mexico’s Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard will discuss lithium collaboration with Bolivian authorities in his visit to the South American country scheduled for Friday, August 5th, according to a statement published on Wednesday by the ministry.

“As you know, Bolivia has one of the largest reserves in the world, and it is a dialogue that matters to us and interests us”, Ebrard said in a message to the media.

Source: Excelsior

Mexico Daily Post