“The Devil’s Castle” an Americans tribute to gothic architecture along the Ensenada-Tijuana Hwy


This house on the beach in Rosarito has become a pole of attraction for its unique architecture and its dark theme.

Many think that it is a hotel, a restaurant, an event hall, or a satanic temple, but no, it is the house of an American who likes gothic art, named Tony Wells.

The Devil’s Castle is located at kilometer 60 of the free highway Ensenada-Tijuana. The first thing you will notice when you see this place is a huge head with horns, inspired by Tony Wells, the creator of this interesting place.

Tony Wells, is a nationalized Mexican American, who fell in love with Mexico and because of this, he thought it would be the ideal place to create the house of his dreams. This house may seem to you that it belongs to some satanic cult, however, it is only inspired by the love of gothic art.

The love and inspiration to build this castle comes from the gothic style of his wife Britney Stevenson. Also, Tony shares that he realized that Mexico occupied something other than what we know as part of the culture, a space for lovers of the dark.

Credits: www.ggnorth.com

If one day you get to know this castle, you will realize that due to the type of things it contains, it is more a museum than a house. For example: Tony bought a black and red velvet bed at auction that  Elvis Presley  had in his guest house. In addition, the house is full of mirrors, candlesticks, knives and many other things from different periods of history.

As a representation of the beaches of Baja California, the castle is supported by 4 sirens who are escorted by dolphins, it also has several sculptures of Zeus, Poseidon, and other mythological characters.

Tony Wells shares that even the most terrified people realize that the house has a positive energy, thanks to the art that surrounds them. In fact, if you get to see the recordings of interviews that have been made with him, you can realize that he is just a great lover of art.

Baja California Post