Independent journalist makes a public complaint directly to the president during his daily press conference


Reyna Haydee Ramírez, an independent reporter from Sonora, spoke directly to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador during the “Mañanera” on Thursday, July 21st.

She claimed that democracy does not exist in the “Mañanera”, because in her case, she has only been able to access the conference twice a month. Not every day as it should be since usually the 20 places available are always reserved for a certain group of reporters.

According to the independent reporter, the time allocated to the question and answer session is enough so that the 20 reporters have the opportunity to speak at least once a week. But it is not like that, because the president prefers the group of journalists (or pseudo-journalists) that always praise him.

Haydee Ramírez argued that she receives different treatment for not praising the president as other colleagues do. And that’s the reason why she is not allowed to attend the “Mañanera” more than twice a month.

In addition, she stated that she has been “punished” by AMLO in 2021 by not letting her into the morning conference for 3 months to do her job. Therefore, the correspondent obtained an injunction for censorship. However, the injunction is under review because Judge Dinora Hernández Jiménez (an AMLO sympathizer) considers that her freedom of expression has not been violated.

“The group of journalists that praise you, Mr. President, they come here every morning and they play along with you, they help you. I’m not like that, Mr. President with all respect, I’m a reporter. I’ve been punished, for 3 months I have not been allowed to enter the Palace just because I come and ask you questions, “said the Sonoran.

On the other hand, she exposed the constant threats that journalists suffer daily for carrying out their work of informing and debated where the attacks on journalists come from.

“These threats we assume come from either your supporters or your opponents. One of two. So let the prosecution define it, my complaint has been filed. I say this with all due respect, President because you have stigmatized journalists. Almost every day you dedicate part of your time to do that, ”said the reporter.

Source: Proceso

Mexico Daily Post