Mexico travel rules: Are there any?


Mexico kept its door largely open to travelers during the pandemic, without imposing tests or weeks-long quarantines.

Mexico imposed the bare minimum of rules on international travelers, making it a haven for adventurous types as and when flights resumed for certain portions of the pandemic.

Now many countries have reopened to tourism, what is the situation for visitors to this beach and city favorite?

Do I need to take a test before traveling to Mexico?

No – Mexico never had a pre-travel test rule, and you can still journey there without any Covid admin involved.

Do I need to show proof of vaccination?

No – the country never imposed a “vaccine passport” rule on visitors.

Do I need to fill in a passenger locator form?

Mexico did ask visitors to fill in its Vuela Seguro health form – which produced a QR code to be shown at the border – before traveling throughout much of the pandemic, but the government dropped this requirement back in January 2022.

Do I need to wear a mask or follow any other Covid guidelines?

The states of Quintana Roo, Coahuila, Nayarit, Baja California Sur, Baja California, CDMX, Tamaulipas, and Nuevo León have all scrapped their mandatory mask rules in recent months – although face coverings are still required in Mexican airports. In other states, you may be required to wear masks in crowded or indoor settings.

Do I need a visa?

Most tourists are eligible to stay in Mexico for up to 180 days, although officially the migration officer who inspects your passport has the final say on the duration you may stay in the country. You don’t need a visa, but you will have to fill in an immigration form on your way to the country and hold on to it to show on your way out.

Immigration officers may ask to see your outbound ticket or details of when you plan to leave the country, as well as details of booked accommodation for your stay.

Source: SRE

Mexico Daily Post