Why do Mexicans leave their jobs?


Working conditions, little flexibility and a lack of opportunities for professional development are factors that influence seven out of ten Mexicans to quit their job.

On average, the new generations do not last more than three years in a job. Professional growth and greater flexibility are the most important reasons to change jobs. Although other reasons are added to the list.

In a survey carried out by the Computrabajo employment exchange in March of this year, it was found that, of 3,176 economically active Mexicans, seven out of ten are considering moving from another company in order to continue their professional development.

By generation, both millennials and centennials are inclined to seek flexible work models, while those over 45 value shortening the distance between home and office.

This is complemented by the data obtained by OCCMundial. In the week of May 27 to June 2, the job market identified that 28% of Mexican employees would resign if their company did not have recognition from leaders.

Another 18% would do so due to the lack of emotional salary -advantages that are not necessarily monetary, such as flexibility or a good work environment- and 5% due to poor leadership, excessive workload and a toxic work environment, where leaders do not know how to listen to the needs and concerns of their team. Much less implement positive changes that impact the lives of employees.

In fact, employees giving up bad bosses and not companies is not new. In its National Survey of Occupation and Employment, the Inegi obtained that, during the first quarter of the year, 60,873 workers left their jobs due to labor conflicts or with superiors.

Of 773,252 people surveyed by the institute, 147,848 said they left their jobs because they wanted to continue studying or resume their studies, but among the reasons for leaving, it also highlights that working conditions deteriorated or involved personal and/or health risks.

It is followed by the fact of wanting to improve, discrimination or workplace harassment, the desire to undertake and the demands of work. By gender, women tend to resign due to pregnancy and other family responsibilities, which culturally continue to affect their professional development.

10 razones comunes por las que los mexicanos renuncian a su empleo | De10

I better go…

“There is a considerable gap between what Mexican companies offer, in terms of flexibility and growth, versus what the collaborator is demanding today to remain faithful in their workplace,” warns Alejandra Martínez, head of Marketing for Companies and Studies of Labor Market in Computrabajo.

In another survey that Computrabajo applied to 700 employers last February, it identified that 65% expect to increase their level of hiring compared to the previous year, but 70% do not consider offering a hybrid work modality.

This also corresponds with the OCCMundial figures. During the aforementioned week, 86% of the vacancies published on its website offered face-to-face format, 9% of the companies applied for jobs in a hybrid way and only 5% were offers with permanent home office.

In this regard, Roberto Ventura, founding partner of the recruitment company Neos RH Consultores, assures that employers are ‘turning a deaf ear’ to what they learned during the pandemic and are once again betting on the face-to-face model. However, by doing so they are alienating key talent.

Although there are positions that require attendance, there are many others that can be performed remotely. In terms of costs, he says, it is more expensive for companies not to respond to the demands of young talent, who, unlike generations like the baby boomers, do weigh growth opportunities, flexibility, and work-life balance and staff.

To avoid staff turnover and retain talent, he adds, companies can grant consecutive salary increases, flexible work schedules, continuous training, law and higher benefits, personalized benefits and a good emotional salary that guarantees that the experience within the company is unique.

Source: expansion.mx

Mexico Daily Post